Thursday 20 November 2014

Small Talk With Your Hairdresser


So I was having my hair done the other day, and as I was sitting in the chair I felt myself preparing (in a weird sort of way) of the awkward small talk I was about endure for the next 40 minutes. And as I sat there (mentally preparing myself) I realised the following; small talk with a stranger is really freakin' difficult to me.

Now, I'm not entirely sure if this 'topic' is really blog worthy and if its just me that has this problem, but I would be interested to hear your opinions on it, if you have any. How do you avoid that awkwardness? And if its unavoidable, how on earth do you endure it? Because what I realised was (us Brit's in particular) love to bloody talk about the weather, its like our fault prove weapon that can fill those silent gaps for around, oh I don't know, 2 minutes... max. We start talking about that wrong kind of rain, you know the rain that really soaks you but its not heavy? Smirry rain I think is the word. I swear its a fine art that the Brit's have well and truly mastered. Once the weather talk is finished, its back to twiddling my thumbs thinking of the next thing to say.

Now I know your hairdresser is not your therapist, so there is no need for you to spill your life stories and explain why you just hate that one neighbour for no entire reason. But for reasons that I just cant quite explain, I  really don't like to just sit there with that god awful silence. I have this urge inside me to say something. Saying what is the tricky thing though.

In all honesty, this blog post doesn't have a point to end on haha. I guess it would be fun to use the comment section of this post to share any tips? Or share any awkward moments you've had?

If I am to make any point in this post, its the following; if you suck at small talk and cant bare an awkward silence, just read a magazine instead.

Nicole x


  1. I like your voice in writing (that may sound creepy) but even thought hi wasn't really about anything (I expected) it was still worth it. And what I do sometimes is start off with "would you get that hairstyle I'm about to ask you do for me?" and they would either spice things up by saying "definitely no! i will never pull that off", even though hairdressers seem to be the most adventurous ones..or they could just say, "yeah, sure, it would be nice to give that a try" so they won't risk discouraging you from getting it, because they wouldn't make money. Anyway, just talk about hair. It'll lead off to fashion, prom friendly.
    Another tip is to pretend it was them who is the nervous one, not you, and try to help them out by beginning on the hair topic. Again, its not likely that a person whose job sometimes includes talking to customers will be shy, but just play pretend, for your own sake. xoxo from

    1. Thankyou very much, I do prefer when I write the more 'chatty' posts. its more fun! And you're advice is spot on, you're right in saying that hairdressers can often be the shy ones, so I will keep your words in mind for next time.
      Oh, and another thanks for leaving your link, I will check that out love x

  2. A suggestion to help avoid the awkwardness is to ask open ended questions and to try and make conversations with topics that interest them, so you can ask the questions and keep the conversation flowing! Sometimes the awkwardness can not be avoided though and this is where the reading of a magazine is a good tip!

    1. Very good advice, ill keep that in mind the next time I'm taking a trip to the hairdressers! Thankyou x

  3. haha, this made me chuckle! it's so true but i am sooo comfortable in silence, it freaks other people out and they feel they have to overcompensate for it. i think the best thing is to not fear an awkward silence, embrace it. instead of frantically searching your brain for something to say, just imagine they're someone you've known for ages and conversation will flow naturally! x

    // The Dress Diaries

    1. I'm glad it made you laugh a little! That kind of was my aim for this post haha. But yes, I like your theory to just embrace it, I'll be sure to keep that in mind! Thankyou x

  4. Hahah it's true but I find it awkward when people talk about the weather

    1. Isn't it annoying? Its always the same chat x

  5. Its so true i hate the small talk! I never know what to say or where to look! x
    Emma | Emmys Blog

    1. Glad you agree! Oh gosh, I didn't even mention where to look, don't get me started on that haha x

  6. Hahaha!!! i am afraid that i can't give you any tips on that but i would like to say that you got a lovely blog and i am so excited for blogmas ����... happy blogging

    1. I take that 'hahaha' that yiy found some humour in this post I hope? Thankyou so much, that really means a lot!
      Yes, blogmas will be coming to my blog, just you wait x

  7. Oh God I am the worst for that. I am so awkward. I'll just be like 'yep... yep.. yep' then I think I'm being rude so I try tell a joke (do not do this for the love of god!) and they never get it :/ Quite embarrassing. I also hate when they show you your hair in the end, I feel awkward because if I just smile (i don't usually do well!) and say thanks, then it doesn't feel like enough, so I play it up and be like 'Omg I love it! Thank you so much!!!'. Way too OTT. I should not be let out haha


    1. Hahaha yes! Didn't even think of when they show you the finished the result at the end, its always the worse part x

  8. I hate the phrase, but I call that kind of rain 'wet rain' hahaha. Such a typical Brit! I feel like this too, don't worry! I work in retail so I'm normally fine making small talk with strangers, but it's okay when you're a shop assistant because you can get away if need be... whereas when somebody is doing your hair you can't exactly up and leave. As rude as it might appear, I just pick up a magazine and hope that they let me read that in peace. Oh the awkward problems of life! x x x
